Avocado, Superfood: 15 Proven Health Benefits of Avocado

Did you know that Superman’s origin story is actually an elaborate cover up?
He wasn’t born on another planet. He’s not an alien species with super-human powers. No, it’s much simpler than that.
The Man of Steel acquired all of his superpowers – his super-strength, heat ray vision, invulnerability, etc. – because his adopted parents fed him avocado from the time he was old enough to eat solid food!

Don’t believe me? Good, because that story is 100% inaccurate.
But I imagine that if superheroes really did exist on Earth, and eating certain foods was the only way they could acquire their powers, then avocado would be the number one delicacy of choice. Here’s why…
Avocado: Earth’s Superfood
Avocado is known as one of the world’s “superfoods.” This little fruit, found in Mexico and parts of Central America, is crammed full of nutrients, antioxidants and vitamins that have been proven to decrease health risks, protect vital organs, and improve nutrient absorption in other foods.
And that’s just the “tip of the iceberg.” Below, I’ve listed out fifteen of proven health benefits of avocado – proof that this fruit just might have special powers.

1. High in fiber.
Eating one medium avocado will provide your body with approximately half of its recommended daily serving of fiber.
2. High in potassium.
Potassium is important for muscle control, nerve function, and maintaining electrolytes. It’s also been linked with reducing blood pressure and reducing risk of kidney stones.
3. Lowers bad cholesterol.
Several research studies have indicated that a diet consisting of avocado may reduce bad cholesterol levels. One study showed that one week of an avocado-rich diet decreased bad cholesterol levels by 22%.
4. Raises good cholesterol.
That same study showed that an avocado-rich diet resulted in an 11% increase in HDL – good cholesterol.
5. Regulates blood sugar levels.
The monounsaturated fat in avocados has been found to reverse insulin resistance, while also slowing down digestion – two factors that are important to maintaining healthy blood sugar levels.
6. Reduces risk of stroke.
Folate has also been found to reduce the risk of stroke. One study found that prolonged increased folate intake, especially in people who are folate-deficient, could indeed decrease the risk of stroke.
7. Protects against eye disease.
Avocados are an excellent source of lutein, a carotenoid that protects against age-related eye diseases.
8. Improves nutrient absorption.
The monounsaturated fat found in avocados helps your body absorb essential carotenoids commonly found in fruits and vegetables.
9. Prevents birth defects.
One medium avocado provides your body 23% of its recommended daily serving of folate ¬– commonly referred to as folic acid – which has been proven to help prevent certain birth defects.
10. Promotes healthy bones.
The vitamin E found in avocado is a key to ensuring proper bone growth, as well as maintaining proper bone density.
11. Anti-inflammatory.
Flavonoids and polyphenols in avocado have been found to reduce inflammatory disorders, like arthritis.
12. Strengthens immune system.
Glutathione, “the mother of all antioxidants”, is found in avocado, and is known to boost your body’s immune system.
13. Slows aging.
Glutathione, in addition to all of the other antioxidants packed into each bite of avocado, is also linked to slowing down the aging process, helping you look younger for longer.
14. Lose weight.
The fiber in avocado alone helps in regulating your digestive system and making you feel fuller longer. But the oleic acid in avocado adds to that prolonged sense of fullness by activating the part of your brain that makes you feel full.
15. Nourishes skin.
The healthy fats, vitamins, and fiber in avocados make the fruit great at protecting and nourishing skin. It also helps enhance complexion. Avocado has also been used to treat certain skin conditions.
Avocado, Superfood: 15 Proven Health Benefits of Avocado Avocado, Superfood: 15 Proven Health Benefits of Avocado Reviewed by Unknown on 7:00 AM Rating: 5

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