Treatment is not needed for all sexual problems. Some problems can be solved by you and your partner alone with a little openness and creativity.
Some problems go away by themselves over time -- patience and understanding are all that is required. Sometimes talking the problem out with your partner is enough.
Women who learn to tell their partners about their sexual needs have a better chance of having a satisfying sex life.
Try to make the solution is fun -- think up ways to inject a little romance and excitement into your sexual routine.
Some strategies women use to overcome sexual problems:
- Set aside time to be alone or alone with your partner, without children and other distractions.
- Use erotic videos or books to increase stimulation.
- Masturbate to learn about what increases your arousal.
- Fantasize about what arouses you sexually; if appropriate, tell your partner about these fantasies. Use sensual massage and other forms of touch.
- Try new sexual positions or scenarios.
- Use relaxation techniques such as a warm bath before having sex.
- Use a vaginal lubricant to relieve arousal problems due to vaginal dryness.
Several excellent books are available in mainstream bookstores or from mail-order sources to help couples deal with sexual and communication problems.
Many people prefer this "do-it-yourself" method to talking about these problems with an outsider.
Female Sexual Problems Self-Care at Home
Reviewed by Unknown
6:52 AM
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