Discover The Healthiest Breakfast in the World

Each of the powerful ingredients of this breakfast has a variety of good effect, but together they create a great energy bomb.
Breakfast is the first meal of the day, and nutritionists consider it the most important meal.

This opinion is based on studies of a large number of people in the West, who skip breakfast, which negatively affects their concentration, metabolism and weight.
The recipe for this breakfast is easy to prepare.
Try to eat this meal every morning for a month and just watch the changes for the better that this meal makes.
  • 1 yogurt
  • 1 tablespoon of apple pectin (recipe below)
  • 1 tablespoon honey
  • 40-50 grams of chopped walnuts
  • ½ teaspoon of Ceylon cinnamon
  • 30 drops of propolis
  • 3 tablespoons of oatmeal and dried fruit of your choice (optional)
Preparation time: 5 minutes
What is pectin, and how to make it
Pectin is a type of fiber found in plants, especially in apples. Apple pectin is a soluble fiber in apples, and has a beneficial effect on the exchange of fatty substances.
It is an excellent absorber of fat that reduces the absorption of cholesterol from food and helps the work of the colon.
Recipe for homemade pectin
  • You need 1 kg of organic apples and 2, 5 l of water.
  • Wash the apples, remove the stems and cut the fruits into small pieces.
  • Put 2.5 l of water in a pot and a turn on the fire at the maximum, because pectin needs the shortest time to achieve a high temperature, or otherwise it will fall apart.
  • Boil the apples and the water quickly
  • After the highest temperature is reached, continue with the cooking at a medium heat for 30 minutes.
Then continue to cook with stirring, until the mixture thickens to half. Use a spoon to drain the mixture through a colander, and immediately put the pectin mixture into sterilized jars.
 Now we can return on our breakfast
How to prepare this meal?
The night before, mix the yogurt and the apple pectin and leave it in the fridge, in order to connect the pectin with the yogurt. You can do this in the morning too, but then you will have to wait until the pectin is dissolved.
In the morning, add the other ingredients and mix everything.
Let the meal stand for a little bit, because  components need to connect to each other.

Why is this the best breakfast?

– Strengthens the immune system.
– Prevents  many infections.
– It acts anti-inflammatory.
– Supports cardiovascular health.
– It gives a better appearance to  skin and hair.
– Protects the health of your teeth.
– It helps in weight loss.
Discover The Healthiest Breakfast in the World Discover The Healthiest Breakfast in the World Reviewed by Unknown on 8:15 PM Rating: 5

1 comment:

  1. Abeg give us local names for those? ?


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