Health Tips: Snack on Guava to Enjoy These health Benefits

Guava is one of the most common fruits in Nigeria. It may not be as sweet as the other fruits, but guavas still make such a refreshing drink. They also add a beautiful texture to your food, not to mention crunchiness.

If these aren’t enough, guavas have many good benefits to your health:

They help control diabetes. 

There are three types of diabetes, and guavas are known to be excellent in reducing the risk of type 2 diabetes. This disorder usually happens when the body has become very resistant to insulin, forcing the pancreas to produce more of the hormones. In turn, the beta cells are destroyed.

Guavas contain as much as 5.4 grams of fiber for every 100 grams. This means that you’ve already met 14% of the daily recommended allowance for fiber! Although fiber doesn’t have to mean you’re getting nutrients, it helps regulate the absorption of sugar or glucose by the body.

They delay the signs of aging. 

Whether you like it or not, you’re bound to grow old. In time, you’ll develop wrinkles, fine lines, and loose sagging skin. The good news is there are ways to delay these signs, and you can begin by eating guavas.

Guavas have a lot of vitamin C, which is a very important nutrient in the synthesis of collagen. Collagen is a type of protein that makes your skin supple and firm. When you have enough collagen, your skin is less likely to wrinkle.

Moreover, the fruit contains lycopene, which is the same antioxidant famously found in tomatoes. Guavas have more than 5,000 µg of the nutrient or close to two times than what you can find in tomatoes. Lycopene can protect the skin from damage brought about by longterm or frequent exposure to UV rays.

Guavas can help protect against cancer. 

Speaking of lycopene, the antioxidant is shown to decrease the risk of prostate cancer. Further, in a study conducted by the Research Division of Wayne State University, lycopene can prevent kidney cancer especially among senior or post­menopausal women. Based on their research participated by more than 230 women, the risk is cut off to 39%.

The fruit can protect your food against spoilage. 

Based on a research by the North Carolina A&T, an extract of guava can be used as a natural preservative because of its antimicrobial properties

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Health Tips: Snack on Guava to Enjoy These health Benefits Health Tips: Snack on Guava to Enjoy These health Benefits Reviewed by Unknown on 11:54 PM Rating: 5

1 comment:

  1. Oh really. I never knew it has such health benefits


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