Health tips: Uses of Banana Peels

We are all familiar with the health benefits bananas provide as well as with their nutritional value. They are high in vitamin and mineral content, which in turn makes them able to fight diseases, even the chronic ones. However, few people know that the banana peels have a whole range of different and beneficial uses as well. Consider the following:
  • The banana peel is an amazing all-natural alternative for commercial polish. You can polish anything you want with a banana peel, such as kitchen utensils and furniture.
  • Rub the inside of the peel onto your face and remove wrinkles in an all-natural but very effective way.
  • Banana peels are highly beneficial for hemorrhoid treatment as well. Just rub the peel on the affected are for about five minutes. Repeat 4-5 times daily.
  • Whiten your teeth naturally! Rub a banana peel on your teeth for about 2 minutes. Rinse well afterwards. This simple method is very effective but it requires consistency. Make sure you perform it at least twice daily.
  • Last but not the least, remove warts with banana peels! Just rub the inner side of the peel onto the affected area or put a piece of the peel on the wart and secure with a bandage.
Learning about these benefits of the banana peels will definitely make you re-consider your choice of throwing them into the crash can.

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Health tips: Uses of Banana Peels Health tips: Uses of Banana Peels Reviewed by Unknown on 2:25 AM Rating: 5

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