Any woman who has spent time on a bike seat knows the signature ache that accompanies it--and we're not talking about burning quads. But your lady parts don't have to suffer. These quick fixes will put the joy back in your ride.
OUCH! Pelvic Pressure
Below-the-belt discomfort may seem like a guy's sports gripe--hello, jockstrap--but 63 percent of female cyclists have reported genital pain, numbness, or tingling while riding, according to Yale researchers. "Initial soreness is normal and can be expected during your first few times on a bike," says Laurie Cole, a senior master indoor cycling instructor at SoulCycle in New York City, the Hamptons, and Los Angeles. "But things should feel better as your body adjusts."
To Prevent Pain
DITCH THE CUSHIONED SEAT COVER. Counter-intuitive but true: When your entire seat is squishy, all of your parts sink down into the saddle. A harder seat keeps you propped on your ischial (or "sit") bones, which can support your weight.
WEAR PADDED SHORTS. The cushioning is strategically placed to reduce uncomfortable pressure.
ENGAGE YOUR CORE. Pulling your belly button toward your spine as if you were wearing a girdle will "reduce how much you bounce around in the seat," says Cole.
CHECK YOUR SETUP. Improper seat and handlebar positioning can throw off your posture and cause ongoing pain.
THINK BIGGER. Women tend to have wider sit bones than men do, so your seat could be too narrow. Indoor bike saddles are pretty much one size fits all, but if you're a road warrior, try a broader seat
Get Help If any pain, numbness, tingling, or burning lasts longer than a week, head to the doctor, says Oscar A. Aguirre, M.D., a urogynecologist at Aguirre Specialty Care in Denver. Although not caused by cycling, a plugged gland, abscess, ovarian cyst, or pinched nerve could be responsible.
OUCH! Chafing Skin-to-saddle and skin-to-clothing friction can rub you raw, causing abrasions and sores on your labia and inner thighs. Moisture and salt on your skin--hallmarks of a good, sweaty bike session--make things worse.
To Prevent Pain,
- LUBE UP. Slather Vaseline or chamois cream (a sweat-resistant protective ointment) onto your inner thighs and vaginal lips before you ride.
- STREAMLINE YOUR GEAR. Baggy clothes may bunch up and rub you the wrong way. Your shorts should be fitted and seam-free. Some riders go commando to eliminate excess material, but whatever feels most comfortable is your best bet, says Suzanne Gilberg-Lenz, M.D., an ob-gyn in Beverly Hills.
- BEWARE THE BRAZILIAN. Think twice before going totally bare down there: A little fuzz protects your skin, says Gilberg-Lenz.
- TEND TO YOUR WOUNDS. Soothe skin and ward off an infection by applying diaper-rash cream or an antibiotic ointment (like Neosporin) to chafed spots after your post-ride shower. Get Help If abrasions or sores persist after a one-or two-week break from the bike, head to your doc to rule out a bigger issue, like a staph bacterial infection or a flare-up of preexisting genital herpes.
OUCH! Burning and Itching Even a healthy vajayjay has yeast--it can exist peacefully. But if the fungus is given a moist, warm area to breed (like, say, sweaty bike shorts pressed against a seat in a hot bike studio), it can multiply and cause a yeast infection later.
To Prevent Pain,
- GO AU NATUREL. Before class, avoid using feminine wipes or scented sprays, which can change the pH balance in the vagina, upping infection risk.
- PLUG IT. That time of the month? Stick to tampons (pads trap sweat and bacteria).
- CLEAN UP. You should shower after every ride, but if you're rushed, at least dry off with a towel and change into fresh clothes. And always wash your shorts before wearing them again. Get Help If urinating is painful or you have white discharge, you may want to try an OTC antifungal cream, such as Monistat 3. If your symptoms are severe or remain after three days, check with your doctor, who may test for a bacterial infection or an STD.
- A GENTLER BIKE CYCLE Make your female bits happy with these position checks: 1 When standing next to the bike, the seat height should be at or right below your hip. 2 Your seat should be just far enough from the handlebar that you can relax your elbows. 3 Your handlebar should be at the highest position that feels comfortable, which alleviates pressure on the lower back.
When Cycling Hurts Your Vagina
Reviewed by Unknown
3:09 PM
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