Top 10 Foods to Enhance Fertility

One of the more discouraging results of  “nutritionists” misguided emphasis on eating low-fat and cholesterol free foods is infertility…now happening in younger and younger women.
Cara Bergman is the founder and owner of Stillwater Fertility Clinic , Maryland’s Natural Fertility and Women’s Care Clinic in Severna Park, Maryland.  Cara has given numerous talks about the importance of nutrient dense foods especially for pre-conception and for growing children.

Here are Cara’s top ten foods to eat to enhance fertility and the top foods to avoid.

1. Bone Broth – old fashioned chicken soup made with the bones.  Add a splash of vinegar to the water so that the nutrients come out of the bones and into the broth.

 2. Liver - especially from grass-fed animals.  Eating liver once a month provides nearly the same nutrients as eating red meat every day of the month.

3. Lacto-fermented Vegetables -

4. Fermented Cod liver Oil – If you only take ONE supplement ever, it should be fermented cod liver oil in my opinion.  It is an excellent source of Vitamin D among other things.

5. Wild-caught Salmon high in Omega 3′s.

6. Red Raspberry Leaf Tea – Great uterine tonic.  Good to drink throughout pregnancy.

7. Greens - especially wild greens like dandelion.

8. Kefir - both yogurt and kefir have beneficial bacteria.  The difference is that the bacteria in yogurt is transient – it will do good things and then leave your system where as the bacteria in kefir colonizes and continues to fight off pathogens in the gut.

9. Nettles tea – look for this in health food stores.  It supports the adrenals and helps your body build blood.

10. Grass-fed meat  – Animals need to be outside eating a natural diet to be healthy.
Top 10 Foods to Enhance Fertility Top 10 Foods to Enhance Fertility Reviewed by Unknown on 2:49 PM Rating: 5

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